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    How do I view my Purchase Orders within the Tradeshift platform?

    1298 3 Created on 2019-09-25 15:18:13; Last updated on 2022-07-01 13:01:10

    Purchase Orders / 'PO Flip' processing not currently available in Germany. 

    You can view your POs in the Task List or Document Manager App within the Tradeshift Platform.

    Task List:


    Document Manager:



    Sort: In Document Manager view, you can sort by Document Type in Ascending or Descending order:



    Add Filter: By clicking on 'Add Filter' you can use filters within the Document Manager to search by Document type, Date Created, Date Issued etc. 



    Applied filters can be removed here: 




    In addition to filters, you can use text search to locate a specific document: 




    Click on a document to view it. 

    By clicking on the Settings icon in the bottom right corner of the screen, you can configure the table columns. 




    The available columns can be adjusted:




    The current filtered view can be exported as a CSV file (max 10,000 records).


    Accepting Purchase Orders

    Review the Purchase Order document content then click 'Accept' to accept the order. 


    3 people found this helpful.

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